What Are The Most Common Maple Tree Problems?

Maple trees are one of the most beautiful species out there. If you have some in your front or backyard or the surrounding, you will want to look after and protect them. Like other species, maple trees are also prone to diseases and complications. This could not only threaten new growth but also lead to death where the only option left for you would be to call in tree removal services so that the disease doesn’t spread to other trees and plants.

So, below are some common maple tree problems & diseases along with some remedies that will help you tackle issues before they get out of hand.

Maple Tree Tar Spot

Maple tree tar spot is one of the most common problems & diseases in maple trees. This complication usually occurs due to a fungal pathogen. Plus, it is also fairly easy to identify. In most cases, it is challenging to determine what sort of disease a tree is going through due to an overwhelming variety of trees and diseases.

But in this case, the signs are quite visible and easy to identify. This pathogen mostly attacks Norway, sugar, and silver varieties. Although, this disease does not kill the tree, but it damages the leaves and weakens them to the point where they begin to fall before the fall season arrives.

In the beginning, the spots appear as yellow posts. With time, the spots turn bigger and black. These spots can be an inch big or slightly more in terms of size. The worst thing about this fungus is that it will spread even if it is on dead leaves on the ground.

This means if the leaves are not raked and removed, there is a high possibility the fungus will spread to other trees and cause damage as well. It might also be that your neighbor’s trees have the same fungus and they can travel to your trees as well.

Therefore, this disease can sometimes be a bit difficult to control but if you can recognize the signs, you will be able to stop it in its tracks.


Anthracnose is commonly mistaken as a tar spot. In comparison, this disease is a lot more threatening as it damages both the leaves and branches. Plus, you will find relatively more spots on the trees that are typically smaller than 1/8” tar spots.

This complication in maple trees occurs if they experience longer periods of cold, wet weather. It is fairly easy to detect the disease as well due to small, dark spots and leaves that are irregularly shaped with brown or dead areas. The leaves tend to fall in early spring followed by another set that eventually dies off as well.

This fungus survives the winter season by infecting the leaves and branches of the tree. It can easily withstand wet conditions and is not at all affected by it. Once the tree is infected, the disease is spread to surrounding trees as the wind carries it.

To stop anthracnose from further damaging trees, you can try cutting the infected parts in the fall. You can also try a fungicide but may need it in larger quantities based on the size and number of trees that are affected. However, if the tree is hollow and leaning, consult emergency tree services Chevy Chase.

Sooty Mold

As the name suggests, sooty mold looks quite a lot like soot and is found present on infected trees in a powdery form that can be brushed off. Sooty mold tends to feed on sticky honeydew left by insects and aphids. This honeydew can also be sometimes found on maple trees.

You will easily be able to identify sooty mold by brushing it off using your finger. But the good is that this complication does not kill your tree. You can try using a gardening mix but you need to be careful about the mixture and quantity.

Make sure that you pour the mixture at the base of the tree so that the roots can absorb it. This mixture can also help the tree remain protected and safe from the same complication for up to one year.


One of the most complicated diseases in maple trees tends to be Lichen. The reason it is complicated is because it takes so many forms, which makes it difficult to identify. Plus, it is affected by various factors such as temperature, altitude, etc.

Most people tend to assume that lichen is a plant but it isn’t. It is a combo of fungus and algae living together. This means that the disease could appear in many types of colors and variations. According to a rough estate, there are 20,000 varieties of this disease.

The problem with lichen is that it does not feed off the host tree. Instead, it needs air to thrive adding to the complication. In addition to that, lichen is not a threatening issue as it does not feed off from the tree and is not known to have long-lasting effects either.

Most commonly found on mature maple trees, lichen tends to interfere with the photosynthesis process depending on how much area it covers on the tree. To get rid of the issue, you can try using fungicides but the disease will go away on its own sooner or later if you keep following the best practices and prune the tree as required.

Verticillium Wilt

Verticillium is one of the worst diseases your maple tree can suffer from. This disease directly harms the vascular system, which can result in the tree’s death. The problem with this complication is that it is a soil-borne disease, which means that it can take place in the soil way before it can make an appearance.

Since it has to do with the soil, the fungus uses the roots to invade the tree. The two most common signs of this disease are yellowing leaves and wilting. In some cases, the entire crown or whole branches can wilt and die. For this, you will need to consult an expert.

This disease is difficult to control or get rid of. So, you might end up killing the tree by experimenting with different types of fungicides. Therefore, consult an expert.

How To Prevent Maple Tree Problems & Diseases?

Maple trees when compared to other types are slightly sensitive. To prevent complications, you must hire an expert who can perform regular inspections and maintenance. Sometimes, the problem might not seem as big but could be life-threatening.

Therefore, spending on an arborist will not only help the maple tree in your backyard but also protect other trees. Moreover, you should make sure the dead leaves are raked and the branches are removed. This will help the diseases from being carried around and spread to the other trees.


Summing it up, maple trees can experience a variety of complications and diseases. However, you should be able to recognize the symptoms and identify the issue to act accordingly. The information mentioned above will surely get you started and allow you to stop the problem before it turns worse. Keep in mind that prevention and maintenance can do a lot in terms of keeping diseases away that can ruin your visually appealing trees. However, if the tree is dying and the arborist confirms it, then hire tree cutting services Bethesda for tree removal.

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